Want just the basics? Start with Freemium. If you're ready to level up your brand, go Premium for exclusive access to Build, our revolutionary direct booking solution, and our open API for custom connections (optional). Adjust the slider to see your monthly Premium cost, and contact our sales team to get started with a 7-day free trial.
Zero Transaction Fees
For any RV rental manager looking to experience the platform's core features.
Premium Billing Disclaimer: Monthly charges for Premium subscriptions are based on the maximum number of active vehicles recorded throughout a given month, and invoices for subscription fees and booking transaction fees are issued and processed automatically on the first day of the following month. Booking transaction fees will apply and are calculated as a percentage of the total booking transaction amount. Transaction fees apply only to direct bookings processed via credit card, either automatically through Direct booking websites or manually within the Direct application and are distinct from any processing fees charged by the credit card processor. In any given month, if booking transactions are refunded or subject to chargebacks in which Transaction Fees were previously collected, those fees will be credited or deducted from the given month’s invoice processed on the first day of the following month. Booking transactions that are processed and refunded within the same billing month will be adjusted to zero. Premium subscriptions are 12-month agreements that automatically renew each year, starting after a 7-day free trial. Subscribers beginning their free trial mid-month will have their subscription costs prorated and billed at the end of the trial month, including any booking transaction fees incurred. An annual maintenance fee of $500 is charged to all Premium accounts on January 1st of each year, which is prorated and included in the first invoice after the free trial ends for new subscribers.